Film-professional Michael Kamler, the mastermind behind the filmproduction convinces with years of experience:
On his personal record there are more than
- 3000 interviews conducted
- 800 films and videos produced
- 600 events visited
and many satisfied, happy customers.
Top knowledge is a fundamental for successful videos and films. We are a certified Austrian film production company. To us, every product, every project is unique. We tell the »real story« and present it in the best possible way. For each project we assemble the proper teams in order to realize each production quickly, flexible and most importantly, professionally. We work with carefully selected competent talent within the scope of camera, light, audio and editing.
Our professional studio contains a state of the art interview room, a sound studio and several editing suites, which guarantees the best technical realization.
Do you want to see examples? Just follow our work or submit your questions. Our team is happy to hear from you!
Michael Kamler
+43 664 307 94 54
Alexandra Selikovsky
+43 1 505 80 50
+43 664 413 55 53
Lisa Leonardelli
Editing / Graphic design
+43 1 505 80 50